We are committed to resolving all complaints we get in a fair, timely and efficient manner.
What is a complaint?
We see a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to us about any of our products and services or the way we’ve managed a complaint. While we try to resolve all complaints in a timely manner, we recognise that some take precedence over others.
Our complaint procedure
Nova Renewable Energy is bound to the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) by Clean Energy Council as well as
the Australian Standard on Complaints Handling (AS ISO 10002-2018).
1. We will always try to find a resolution for your complaint as soon as it is sent to us. However, if we need to investigate it further, we’ll aim to resolve it, or tell the customer what we’re doing to resolve it, within five working days.
2. If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision that has been made in order to resolve the case ; we will investigate it further and will be committed to resolve all complaints within 21 working days of receiving them, unless there is a clear reason for extending the timeline.
3. If , for any reason the complaint resolution isn’t going as fast as we set out to, we will make sure to communicate with our customers; explaining the reason why we might need to extend the process, in order to resolve the case within 45 days of the initial complaint date.
4. While a complaint is being investigated and worked upon, the complainant will be provided with updates via phone calls and/or emails about the progress.
5. If the customer is not happy with how their complaint has been resolved at any time of the complain investigation, we will escalate the complaint to the next level of management within the company and review it.
6. All complaints are assigned individual case numbers and tracked through
our in-house team. The complaint is assigned to a individual team member and updates are recorded accordingly.
Nova Renewable Energy requires following information to lodge a complain:
• Your name, contact details and property address
• The nature of the complaint, please include as much information as possible.(For example; installer related complains , dissatisfactory products etc.)
• Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the complaint.
Office contact details:
Phone : 0413 138 452
Email: info@novarenewable.com.au
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer the complaint to with the relevant Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs office in your state or territory, as follows:
NETCC (New Energy Tech Consumer Code)
Web Link for complaints : NETCC | Make a complaint (newenergytech.org.au)
NETCC E-mail : info@newenergytech.org.au
Phone Number :03 9929 4195
Clean Energy Council:
Phone: 03 9929 4100
Address: Level 15, 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission:
Phone: 1300 302 502
Address: GPO Box 520, Melbourne VIC 3001
Consumer Affairs Victoria:
Phone: 1300 558 181
Address: GPO Box 123, Melbourne VIC 3001
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